Tuesday, 14 August 2012



So yesterday (which was Monday) I was told I hadn't blogged in a while. I then realised this was true. So I was thinking about things to blog about.. The perfect murder came to mind, but i thought that might cause some problems with government officials and stuff.. and psychologists.. So instead I'm gonna blog about Mondays.

Mondays are generally rather depressing, which is why the world hates them.. Including the person who invented them (he is now the worlds most hated man, second only to Bryce Lawrence.. Rugby fans will understand). Anyway on this particular Monday I actually didn't have such a bad day.. which was really really weird. Normally I'm like dead on a Monday.. yesterday was really chilled though. Emma Sandison, (sorry if I spelled your name wrong), like the rest of the world, had a bad Monday.. and asked me to blog about them.. I think I've covered that pretty well.

So here's another picture..