So reading through my blog I realised the only time I ever mentioned school was when I said I wouldn't post for a while due to exams.. which went really badly just by the way.. so I figured I'd post something about a teacher at my school.
This teacher, as you might have figured out from this post title, is 'Teacher X'. Is this his real name you ask? No, no its not. I decided to call him that so as not to use his real name (lawsuit issues again). Now as intimidating as he might sound.. the name I've given him is very misleading..
He's a teacher at my school (this much should be obvious by now) and he teaches me a subject. This all sounds pretty normal so far. You're now probably asking why I decided to do a post on said 'Teacher X'?? Well be patient all will reveal its self in true time.
So the thing about 'Teacher X' is he gets very sidetracked, very quickly. This is seen as an invitation to the 'less disciplined students' to cause some mischief (yes I did just use that word). Now, although this does curb learning slightly it can be very entertaining.
So the one lesson we're going over aerodynamics and how air moving over a planes wing causes lift and what not and one guy asks 'Teacher X' if hes ever been on a plane.. Mistake on that guys part. 'Teacher X' went on to describe, in lengthy detail I might add, how he flew to Australia (he talks about Australia and New Zealand a lot, makes one wonder) before the 9/11 incident in America and how he knew one of the pilots (he then went on to tell us how he and the pilot had met years ago while they were studying) so he got to take a tour of the cockpit and the front region of the plane. He then told us how he was looking out the bottom of the plane and he could see fields that were burning and how very fascinating this was. After this story he told us he flew the same airline with the same pilot to the same place but because 9/11 had occurred airplane security had heightened and were afraid he might have been a terrorist (if you had met 'Teacher X' and knew what he looked like that would be a lot funnier than what it actually is) so he had to sit in chair for the rest of the flight like a normal passenger. By the time he had finished his story two periods had disappeared along with our lesson.
Anyway, that video I mentioned in my last post is being re-edited by Dylan Kuhlenthal and will soon be ready to upload.
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