Thursday, 19 July 2012



So the keener eyed blog reading people may be wondering why the title of this post isn't very  informative.. Well that's because it's a secret.

Okay so I'm gonna start off by saying sorry for not posting anything in like the past 'insert grossly exaggerated time-span here' and there really is no reason for that.

Now onto my topic.

For those of you who don't know Skillet is a Christian rock band.. and also a frying pan.. but in this instance I'm referring to the band.

So the band in question is made up of 5 people.
Lead singer and bass guitarist, John Cooper
Rhythm guitarist, Korey Cooper
Drummer and back up vocalist Jen Ledger
And to be completely honest I don't know tho the rest are at the moment due to people leaving and stuff.. I know there's a lead guitarist, a violin playing guy and a dude that plays the cello.

Now that you have a rough outline of what Skillet is I'm gonna attempt to put their awesomeness into words.
...Hmmm...  it seems I cant do that.. I see problems arising..

Okay so lets pretend that they weren't as amazing as they are.. that'll make this a lot easier.. So here goes my attempt at describing Skillets amazing-ness..

You know you get those songs that just make you like jump around or dance and forget about everything else?? Skillets got albums filled with those types of songs, songs that you just end up replaying through out the day and then dreaming about it at night (if you get sleep at night.. lucky people that can sleep)

Like you listen to their music and it makes you feel invincible, like you can never die! You can be amazingly close to death and then suddenly get up and start punching stuff in the face!! This is a feeling which I enjoy..
You could picture their song 'Awake and Alive' as the theme song for the up and coming zombie apocalypse.
Their music brings people back from the dead!! ..Okay so maybe it doesn't.. but when you listen to it that's what you're thinking.

See they're amazing coz they defy like every scientific law and make you feel like you can do the same (I wouldn't recommend trying to break scientific laws.. I can tell you from experience they're set pretty solidly. The old dudes who came up with them knew what they were doing) 

So there's my first review of a band Danica Krenski. Hope it lives up to expectations!

Cheers Internet!  

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